SEO for eCommerce.


Optimizing your online store is crucial for visibility, but success requires tailoring these changes to meet your customers’ specific needs.

Get your products seen by the right people, at the right time.


Elevate your brand’s visibility and ensure your products capture the attention of your target audience exactly when they need them.  Ecommerce SEO is more than optimization; it requires meticulous strategy that ensures a smooth and intuitive customer journey from their initial search right through to the final checkout confirmation.

At Minty, we specialize in custom, actionable, SEO strategies for Shopify, WordPress, and a wide range of other eCommerce platforms.

Ecommerce SEO

It is estimated that 95% of all purchases will be made online by 2040.

We’re experts in:

Product page optimisation

We’ll research your products, and the questions your audience are asking about them to ensure your product pages have the best chance of ranking for the right keywords.

Buyer intent

We’ll explore beyond the search and take a deep dive into the intent of the keywords to establish which stage of the journey your buyer is in, and what they want to see from your site in that moment.

Competitor analysis

We’ll establish where your competitor’s traffic comes from, who’s linking to them and why – and then we’ll do it better.

Increasing organic traffic by 282% with tech SEO and content marketing


With ongoing tech SEO support and a meticulously crafted content strategy, we skyrocketed Primethorpe’s traffic, and as a result, their conversions.

Ecommerce SEO

Ready to start your project? Let’s have a chat.

We have a multi-award-winning team of over 20 SEO, Content Marketing, and Link-Building professionals ready to help increase your online visibility and generate more business.

Fill in the form to arrange a call with our CEO and Head of Client Partnerships to determine whether we are the right fit for your business needs.

If you prefer to book a call directly, then use the link below.


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