Monthly SEO News – May 2020

11 Jun 2020
SEO Charlie Clark

With the recent events going on in the world, businesses have had to adapt and take themselves online. If already online, they will certainly have needed to change and improve their SEO. These changes mean it is more important than ever to keep up-to-date on important SEO news.

To this end, we have gathered some of the most important, relevant and interesting news regarding SEO from the last month. As well as detailing it in this blog, we will be releasing a monthly newsletter with all the latest news. This will be broken down into easily understood, accessible information that can be processed and used by you. 

Hopefully, this information and the news itself will help your business in some shape or form, whether it be from accessing previously undocumented information, gaining a deeper understanding of Google ranking factors or adding something to your SEO process that you had previously overlooked. Read on for more information!


Google Begins New Podcast that promises ‘Undocumented Information’

According to a tweet sent out by the Google Webmasters account, Google’s John Mueller and Gary Illyes will be launching a podcast talking about Google Search, including things such as recent SEO news and different search console features. In the trailer, which can be accessed here via Search Engine Journal, Mueller says that the podcast will include “information that has not been documented before”.

While there is currently only a trailer available, and there is no concrete date for when the first episode will be released, you can keep up-to-date with the official podcast page here


Google has 6 different ways of measuring Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals include things such as the interactivity of your page, the loading speed and how it performs visually. Google has now increased the different ways that website owners can measure the Core Web vitals for their site. You can now measure these factors through 6 different Google tools: Search Console; PageSpeed Insight; Lighthouse; Chrome DevTools; Chrome UX Report; and Web Vitals Extension. Similar to a site audit, you can now discover which pages on your website need to be fixed, changed or edited in order to improve overall website performance – something that is vital in increasing traffic, conversions and eventually sales.

You can find the original article over at Search Engine Journal; you can also find links to download each of the aforementioned tools.  


Google May 2020 Core Update rolled out

By far the most important piece of SEO-related news in May was the release of the Google Core Update. These core algorithm updates often change organic results and may cause changes in your website’s organic ranking. As the update has finished rolling out, many are reacting negatively. There there is a perception that the update has greatly favoured larger companies – many people are reporting an increased number of search results for social media sites like Pinterest and other web giants such as Amazon. 

However, while it may be annoying from the point of view of someone searching, it may be even more important (and more annoying) for website owners, as sites that were ranking well before may find themselves lower down. Now that the update is live, it is time to review your site to see if you’ve been negatively impacted. If this is the case, you can find some advice on what to do here

There you have it – the 3 most important bits of SEO news from May 2020. Look out for the first edition of our newsletter, and make sure you sign up! 


Charlie Clark


Founder of Minty Digital. Charlie has over 10 years of experience within the Digital Marketing industry. Background in Project Management, SEO, and Google Ads.
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