Minty featured in SemRush content marketing trends blog

13 Feb 2023
News Charlie Clark

Earlier this year, we were featured in the SEM Rush content marketing trends blog, highlighting the work we did for our client, Primethorpe Paving to multiply their online leads.

Case study here, if you’re interested.

The blog explained the actions we took to achieve this, including performing keyword research to find relevant, high-volume keywords to compete for, using our findings to create educational, product-oriented content tailored to our audience, plus researching competitor content to compare strategies.

The feature was a pretty big pat on the back for us, as it was a campaign that we were really happy with – as was the client!

Read the blog here!

Charlie Clark


Founder of Minty Digital. Charlie has over 10 years of experience within the Digital Marketing industry. Background in Project Management, SEO, and Google Ads.
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