How to share Bing Ads Access with your Partners

As many business owners and employees are often too busy to manage all their ad campaigns, it’s a good idea to choose an agency or partner to manage your accounts, particularly your Bing ads account. This brings the benefit of having partners with real experience and expertise, as well as enabling you to concentrate on the main areas of your business.
If you do want an agency to manage your Bing Ads account, you’ll have to give them access to it, thereby allowing them to potentially create, edit and follow the progress of campaigns. In Bing, this is called ‘linking with your account’, and the process is fairly simple.
You’ll need to share your Bing Ads account number with your agency. Log into your account, where you’ll find your account number in the upper left corner alongside the account name. Send this number to the agency, who will use it to send you an invitation.
Once you have provided the account number, the agency must request to be linked with your account. They need to log in to their account, click on ‘Accounts’ tab, and then click on ‘Link to Account’. This will open a linking request where they can then enter your account number.
N.B. If the agency is paying for the ads then billing you for them, they should select ‘Take over billing’. If you are continuing to pay for the ads directly then they should press ‘Current bill to customer’.
Doing this will generate the invitation email that will be sent to your account. Once you log in to your account, you’ll see a red alert in the top right hand corner labelled ‘Account Link Request’. Click on this and it will open an approval page. Click ‘Approve’ to complete the process.
Need to find out how to give access to other ad accounts? You can find details for other accounts our blog.