LinkedIn Campaign Manager – Assigning Access

22 Mar 2020
Paid Ads Leah Daly

With the dozens of different ways of advertising that are possible nowadays, many business owners won’t have the time to manage ad accounts on social networks such as LinkedIn. Therefore, it may be necessary to hire an agency to manage your account.If you don’t have a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account, all you need to do to create one is follow these 5 simple steps.


At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, click the square ‘Work’ icon, and then click “Advertise”.


You will be taken to a page that says ‘Advertise on LinkedIn”. Below the text, click on “Create ad”.


Fill in the necessary boxes – add the link to your LinkedIn business page, choose a name for the account, choose your preferred currency and click “Add account” when you’re finished.


Choose which type of adi want to create, e.g. a text ad, sponsored mailor sponsored content.


Choose a campaign name, its objective, your preferred language for it and its format, and then click “Next”. The next steps are simple enough to follow, and after doing so you’ll have created your own LinkedIn ad!

In order for an agency to manage your account, you need to grant access to it. You can assign different roles according to what level of account access you want to allow – these are detailed below, followed by steps on how to provide access to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. 


Different access levels for LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Account Managers

Account Managers have the highest level of account access, and are therefore able to do almost anything to do with the account, from viewing campaign data and billing history to creating new campaigns, managing user access and editing account details. 


Campaign Managers

Campaign Managers can see all campaign data, reports and account billing history, as well as being able to create new campaigns and edit existing ones. 


Creative Managers

Creative Managers can do everything a Campaign Manager can do, except for creating new campaigns. 



Viewers can only view campaign data, reports and account billing history. 


Billing Admins

Billing Admins have the lowest level of account access, as they can only see account billing history and receipts or change billing details. 


How to provide access to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager Account

STEP 1: Log into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. Click the settings icon, then click “Manage Access”. 

STEP 2: Click “Add user to account” on the right-hand side of the screen.

STEP 3: Type the name of the person who you want to provide access to, and assign them a role according to your needs. 

STEP 4: Save these changes by clicking the button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. 


Want to find out how to give access to other ads accounts? You can find instructions for others in our blog here.

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