The 2023 Travel Questionnaire


Thank you for downloading The Minty 2023 Travel Teardown. 

Our research into Travel doesn’t stop there.

Need more info?


We are collecting valuable insights from travel industry experts like you on the latest trends, industry developments, and consumer behaviour.

We will be publishing the data we gather through this survey on our site, and you will be credited.

Your expertise and knowledge are essential for us, and others to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the travel industry today, and how we as a Search Agency can play a role in addressing them. 

That’s why we have created a short questionnaire that will take only a moment of your time to fill out. 

We value your opinion and want to hear your thoughts on the most significant challenges facing the travel industry today, how the pandemic has changed the travel landscape, the current travel trends you have observed and have they have adapted, and how consumer behaviour has changed.

Don’t miss this chance to have your say, click the link below to begin the survey and share with us your valuable insights!

Thank you for your time and contribution. 

Grab yourself a coffee, let’s have a chat.


Fill in your details and one of the team will get back to you.

If you prefer to book a call direct, then use the link below ⬇️


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