Marketing Managers: Why Hiring an SEO Agency is a Stroke of Genius!

Are you thinking of hiring an SEO agency? In 2021, few things have become more important to the success of businesses than their digital presences, online performances, and converting online visitors into customers.

The problem is, there’s a science to doing these things well and they often take a bit of time to start getting results. Many businesses dive headfirst with no strategy, expecting overnight results. 

Often a Marketing Manager then comes in, dispels the myths, calms down the expectations, and sets to work on getting results, but at some point, they get stretched thin by mounting responsibilities and challenges. In order to multiply the efforts of the Marketing Manager, hiring an SEO agency is the answer. Here’s why…

Gain a Noticeable Traffic Increase

Did you know that more than 50% of total web traffic comes from organic results on a search engine like Google or Bing? The other 50% comes from ads, bookmarks, social media, and directly visiting web addresses, so this leaves SEO with a huge opportunity to drive traffic.

Websites that improve their SEO are getting a bigger slice of those organic web visitors. Organic visits are the number 1 way to boost rankings.

Since more than 90% of search engine users never go past the first page of results, hiring an SEO agency offers the best path to getting eyes on your business.

Increasing traffic to your site is often mistaken as being the most important goal for an SEO expert. Let us tell you why this is wrong. These are vanity metrics!

Site owners should be looking for is high quality targeted visitors who can become potential customers. To put it into numbers, would you rather have 1,000 interested visitors or 10,000 that won´t care about your content?

For the cost of an intern, hire a professional team with 30+ years of expertise

When you hire an intern, it’s likely that they have minimal SEO knowledge, and that they will spend the first few months learning, experimenting, and taking actions without the confidence of past experience. This means that any results you’re hoping to get from improved SEO are going to take longer and be less effective. For this reason, it’s better to leverage the collective knowledge and resources of an SEO agency for the same budget!

Let’s be honest too, Marketing Managers often don’t want an intern to manage, they’re busy enough as it is. They want an SEO solution that makes their job easier and with better results, freeing up their time to focus on other tasks.

Rank higher for targeted keywords

SEO agencies like Minty Digital spend hours and hours identifying competitive keywords that we believe offer the best opportunities for increasing organic traffic. We brainstorm and conceptualize content and look at all of the resulting keyword variations to see where the opportunities are. Then, we execute the plan and begin optimising for those keywords. 

Further reading: Minty Digital wins award by a clutch!

For Marketing Managers, having a team such as ours to do all of this brainwork and legwork is a huge relief. They no longer have to manage all of these tasks themselves (or guide an intern). After a few months, as the targeted keywords begin to rank higher and higher, the Marketing Manager starts to look like a genius, gaining lots of credit for their choice of hiring an SEO agency!

Increase sales and conversions

Of course, this is the primary goal. The SEO agency helps the website rank higher on search engines, but simply ranking higher isn’t enough. Part of the job is to optimise the website for conversions, turning those web visitors into customers.

Benefits of SEO agencies

Look at our work with Education Advocacy, which provides legal support and guidance to the parents of special needs children. We spotted an opportunity to drive organic traffic on several competitive keywords, especially EHCP plans. We created in-depth guides, sought high-quality backlinks, optimising the website for visitors and search engines, and much more. Below, you can see the exceptional traffic growth.

Case study seo

Who looks like a genius when the marketing efforts start working and new customers come flocking? The Marketing Manager of course!

KPIs and ROI are at the core of our work and we are as overtly aware of them as you are, so it’s great when partners share their goals and objectives, as it gives us milestones to help you work towards.

Increasing sales and conversions are done in a number of ways, not only through targeted keywords, but also through brand awareness, capitalising on Google Trends, finding where your buyers are and getting in front of them, retargeting organic traffic, and optimising content for mobile. All of this, in truth, is just scratching the surface of what hiring an SEO agency can do for you…

Reduce your software costs and streamline subscriptions

Part of the job of an SEO agency is to take a good look at the software and subscriptions that the business is using for its marketing efforts. Once they can see the activities, the results, and how they correlate to the strategy, it may be the case that some of these tools are redundant, others might be being used inefficiently, and yet more could be highly replaceable with a more effective competitor solution. 

In an ideal situation, the SEO agency, such as Minty Digital, will reduce the costs by streamlining these tools and granting access to our own tools and subscriptions. The money saved by the business can either be used to offset the costs of our services or to free up more budget to give the SEO efforts an even greater push forward.

Gain access to content writers, copywriters, graphic designers, web designers, UX/UI experts and more thanks to the SEO Agency’s talent network

For small businesses with a team featuring just a handful of professionals, the hardest part of growth is needing talent without having the budget to take on individuals full time. One way to solve this is to hire the help of an agency, who have a more diverse team of creatives and experts whose time is distributed among projects to create a responsible balance. You might need someone to write one or two blogs per week, but does this mean you need to hire a full-time content writer? Absolutely not.

By leveraging the talent pool of your SEO agency, you can get expert graphic designers, social media experts, UX/UI professionals, paid ads gurus, seasoned web designers, creative copywriters and more! All of these pros have clocked up years of experience and diverse portfolios that will bring fresh ideas and perspectives to a project. 

Here’s our loyal team of SEO, ads, and creative experts. With decades of experience in a range of industries and on countless projects, the combined contributions of our talent pool give Marketing Managers an exceptional service to leverage. 

Meet our team
Here’s our loyal team of SEO, ads, and creative experts. With decades of experience in a range of industries and on countless projects, the combined contributions of our talent pool give Marketing Managers an exceptional service to leverage.

The Marketing Manager can learn from hiring an SEO agency during the campaign

We don’t want to blow our own trumpet, but we know far more than the average person about SEO! Our collective skills, experiences, and achievements … plus some advanced (and pricey) tools that we use, give us insights into search engine optimisation that few others can understand.
We don’t want to keep all of this to ourselves, and we don’t want to give it away aimlessly either. We want to share it with our customers, especially the Marketing Managers who hire us!

Marketing Managers often improve their knowledge of SEO as a byproduct of working with us. We attribute this to the succinct and logical way we report, and how we streamline our communications.

We love this work, so, don’t be afraid to ask anything, we’ll be happy to talk on the phone, via email, or even put together Loom videos to help you understand the process better.


There we have it! A host of convincing reasons for any Marketing Manager to strongly consider outsourcing their work by hiring an SEO agency. Before we leave you to ponder the idea of hiring us – Let us share the most common reasons why businesses and Marketing Managers choose not to outsource their SEO work:

  1. They haven’t thought of it yet!
  2. The budget is too small
  3. They don’t see any value in organic traffic
  4. They believe hiring an in-house person will drive better results
  5. Someone on the team already has the skillset
  6. They don’t believe the site needs SEO work
  7. They’re simply resistant to change
  8. They want instant results and aren’t willing to trust the process
  9. They don’t like outsourcing and think that too many cooks spoil the broth
  10. Bad experiences with another agency in the past

We can sit here and debunk all of these points. In fact, most of these considerations have been squashed throughout this article. Instead, we will stick to our mantra of going above and beyond for every client by offering you a FREE digital health check. We’re looking forward to getting to know you. And hey… If we have convinced you into hiring an SEO agency… The contact button is right here!Sign up to get your free SEO review from our expert team and uncover opportunities that will help you get more customers, leads and sales.

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