Free PPC Tools To Use For Better SEO

As a PPC expert or even as a beginner your PPC tools are your most powerful possessions, but let’s be honest, not everyone has the budget to use premium search engine marketing tools. On the other hand, you can get just as good results by using free tools that are available to anyone who is willing to dig a little into the mysteries of PPC.

Therefore let’s list some very popular and effective PPC tools and see how you can use them in your own business.Spyfu  –  Spyfu provides competitive intelligence for keywords and ad copy. This is a great tool to identify any keyword gaps you might have with your competitors. There is a pro version, but the free version gives you the big picture overview.

Google Keyword Planner – Google’s Keyword Planner is an essential PPC tool for keyword research. You can use it for SEO keyword research too.

AdWords Editor – If you regularly work on large campaigns or campaigns across multiple accounts in Google AdWords, then you need AdWords Editor. It has almost everything you need for bulk edits and optimizations. Although it looks similar to the AdWords interface you’re used to online, the desktop version is probably about three to five times faster. Essential!

Facebook Power Editor – If you’re running more than one simple Facebook Ads campaign, you need to be using Power Editor. It’s like AdWords Editor for Facebook. Use it to create audiences, play around with targeting, and create an image bank for your campaigns.

Google Data Studio  – Google Data Studio is plain and simple and great for data visualization and reporting. As long as all of the data you need lives in engines or DoubleClick, it’s easy to get things set up in a nice tidy live dashboard.If you have any issues or any data sources you can’t embed, there’s a robust developer community or a number of connectors available from SuperMetrics

AdWords Scripts – AdWords Scripts have become a must have, they let you automate nightmarishly time-consuming tasks and save a ton of effort in the long run. Don’t get scared of scripts because you don’t have a coding background. There are a number of free resources out there to help educate you. Use them for exception reporting, daily stats, and client reporting – amongst other things.

AdWords Audience Insights – AdWords Audience Insights can paint a clear picture of exactly who’s visiting your site, on your CRM list, or (better yet) converting.

Facebook Audience Insights – Facebook Audience Insights can give a ton of information into the composition of your actual audience. It is a tool designed to help marketers learn more about their target audiences, including aggregate information about geography, demographics, purchase behavior and more.

Google Optimize – Google Optimize is a good place to start Conversion Rate Opimization. It allows simple site tests without heavy coding. You can launch A/B tests, basic multivariate tests, or re-directs to control what a user sees without having to clone your ads a million times. The tool is on the basic side.Need someone to manage your online presence, from Social Media to SEO and PPC? Let us know!

Charlie Clark


Founder of Minty Digital. Charlie has over 10 years of experience within the Digital Marketing industry. Background in Project Management, SEO, and Google Ads.
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